My Baby


Thursday, August 14, 2008


Well I was getting ready for my first doctors appointment when my husband handed me the letter I was waiting for from the Board of Pharmacy. I opened it and....I PASSED MY BOARDS AND MY LAW exam!!! I then went to my doctors appointment. There was some question about my due date they thought I was 10 weeks, but did an ultrasound and I am only 7 weeks. I did get pictures of the little peanut inside me!! This also means I have 5 more weeks of the first trimester and more nausea to come. I thought I was almost done with that part. So it has been a great day. I am now officially a Pharmacist and I got to hear and see my baby. The heart beat was a healthy 148 beats per minute. My due date is April 2nd, which is awfully close to April Fools Day.

Thursday, August 7, 2008


I took my law exam yesterday. I thought it went fairly well. We'll have to wait and see. I then spent most of my day with Christian, which was fun. I worked today and aside from nausea all day and some cramps it wasn't horrible. I looked at the schedule for the next two weeks though and they already have me scheduled as a Pharmacist starting Tuesday and I don't even know if I passed. They also had me scheduled during Family Camp, which I requested off two months ago so that did not make me happy. If that wasn't enough the district manager told me that I would have a day shift and I was scheduled 12 and 14 hour shifts. So I had to write the DM and explain these issues also noting that I was pregnant and could probably work 10 hour shifts, but not 12 or 14. I don't think that she will be thrilled with my email. I still haven't received my letter about whether or not I passed my Naplex. I should get it any day now. Since Ben is out of town fishing this week I am going to eat dinner, watch some TV, and go to bed.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My life

I got married in June of 2007. I graduated pharmacy school in May; yes that makes me Doctor Lee! I am pregnant!!! In just over a year my life has been blessed with all of these amazing gifts. I am getting used to being married, but still not quite accustomed to being a doctor, and now I am going to be a mommy! The mom part hasn't quite sunk in yet. I am only about 9 weeks along, which means 31 more to go I have morning sickness all day, as soon as I get hungry I feel sick and the last thing I want to do is eat, and I am tired all the time. As if these things weren't enough I just took my NAPLEX exam, which is the national exam for pharmacy licensure, and tomorrow I am taking my WA state law exam. I still have to wait to find out my NAPLEX results. I was so nervous for my test and being pregnant and nauseas definitely did not help. I have had the last two weeks off studying for my exam, but go back to work on Thursday. I work 10 hour shifts and currently I sleep all day so I am not sure how I am going to do at work. I do know that I need to bring lost of snacks so I don't get sick. We tore down a wall in our house which made my kitchen and dining room a mess for like 2 months, it is almost finished and I can't wait. I am not sure whats going to happen next, but I am thankful that God has a plan because I can't seem to plan anything right now!


Christian said today that I should start a blog. So I did, but I don't know how well I will do at keeping up on it so stay tuned to find out.